
Ruby Developer -- brisan oglas

Opis delovnega mesta

We at 1Tap are looking for new colleagues. We are part of the award-winning SaaS company Receipt Bank - despite the name, we’re not a bank. Our founders claim we’re one of the fastest growing startups in Europe. Looking at the stats we believe them.

Our systems are mostly done using Ruby on Rails and power mobile-first iOS and Android apps. We use Python for machine learning.

We have reasonable processes, well-organized Kanban boards, stand-ups that don’t last more than 10 minutes and a customer-driven approach to product. We value highly the quality of the code and good practices. We’ve suffered enough without them.

We’re looking for good and experienced developers, who are not afraid to learn new things and work on hard problems. If this sounds interesting and you think we might “click”, get in touch with us.

Kandidatom ponujamo

Experience in working in one of the hottest FinTech startups in Europe;

Fun Vibrant Team;

Competitive salary;

Strong career progression and development;

Modern offices in Ljubljana;

Office pets allowed;

Flexible working hours;

Perks, such as team buildings, weekly beer o’clock sessions, gym memberships and the like.

Klasifikacija delovnega mesta

cca 1500-5000bruto EUR / mesec
Delovni čas:
redna zaposlitev


Zahtevana znanja

Full Stack